How To Tell If Synthetic Oil Was Used

We all know that engine oil is like the blood pumping into the core of the heat of a car. And it is very important to know what product is being used as it will drastically improve or reduce the performance of the car. This will provide the user with consistency and keep their vehicle running for a longer period.

The two main types of oils available in the market are synthetic and conventional oil. It is very hard to tell the difference based on their appearance and provide the user with accurate results. They both also offer the user their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Thus, making it highly important to know which one is being used and how to check them based on their color, viscosity, and other unconventional factors.

To provide the user with all the necessary information on how to tell if synthetic oil was used in their cars. We have made a detailed article providing the user with all the differences and characteristic traits of synthetic oil. This will allow them to judge the performance and traits the oil comes along with. Hence, making them conscious about their decisions and also making them aware that they are not tricked by the gas station owner.

How To tell If Synthetic Oil Was Used In A Car

It is highly important to know if synthetic oil was used in your vehicle or not. As it can drastically increase or decrease the performance of a car. This makes it important to find the difference between synthetic oil or regular conventional oil. There are two ways to judge the character and nature of oil. One is by getting the oil tested in a lab or watching the characteristic traits of the oil and making an assumption about the nature of the oil. These traits will provide the user with all the necessary information and let them judge if a gas pump is tricking them by putting regular conventional oil in their cars.

Some of the ways to judge if synthetic oil is being used are

Surface Texture of the oil

The surface texture of a synthetic oil seems to be a bit more slippery meaning thinner than compared to the regular conventional oil. To judge if the oil used in your car or vehicle is synthetic just take some oil out of the car and try to rub it between your fingers. Now take some conventional oil which is easily available in the market. You can also find conventional oil in old vehicles or your garage. Now try to rub that oil between your fingers.

 If the slipperiness and texture feel the same as the conventional oil then we are sorry to say but you have been tricked by putting regular oil in your vehicle. If the texture feels a bit more smooth and slippery then synthetic oil has been used in your vehicle. Although this method is based on assumption and the physical property of the oils.

This method only relies on instincts and can be tested at any household if the owner of the vehicle doubts that conventional oil has been poured into their car. Even though nothing can be proved as it is not tested in a lab. Hence, making it an assumption-based test and will provide the user with an answer which can not be proven with facts. 

The smell of the oil

The next thing that a user can test is the smell of the oil. If the oil present in their vehicle has a fruity smell to it. Then it has to be synthetic oil as they tend to have a sweet and fruity smell to themselves. This is another characteristic trait offered by synthetic engine oil.

Whereas regular conventional oil will have a pungent or strong smell to themselves. A user might be able to point out the difference easily by buying both the oils and smelling the oil being used in their vehicle. This will provide the user with accurate results and help them judge the kind of oil being used in their vehicle.

The smell of the oil can change over time. Thus, making it very important to judge the smell when the car or any vehicle has just been filled up with new oil. This will provide the user with more accurate results while judging what kind of oil has been used in their vehicle.

Although this method is also based on observation and assumptions on the smell of the oil. It is not a proven fact and the user just has to go along with their gut instincts. As this method is not analyzed or tested in the lab nothing can be proven, yet still, it will provide the user with all the data and information they were looking for.

How To Tell If Synthetic Oil Was Used

The viscosity of the oil

Another factor that a user could use to judge if the oil being used in their vehicle is synthetic or regular conventional oil. Is by checking the viscosity of the oil. This could either be done using a viscosity checking machine that could be found in departmental stores or could be ordered online. If the user wants to save money and does not want to spend money they could check the viscosity of the oil at their home.

This involves the user to let the oil flow down a drain and compare it with the conventional oil. If the oil used in their vehicle is synthetic it would flow down rapidly as it has a smoother texture. The synthetic oil has a lower viscosity which means it is less rigid and provides the user with lower friction and acts as a better lubricant. Whereas conventional oil will have a higher viscosity and rigidness as compared to synthetic oil.

This is one of the techniques used while testing oils in labs. And is one of the ways to judge the nature of the oil with ease. Hence, providing the user with all the answers to their queries and helping them conclude the nature of oil. This will also help them realize whether or not their vehicle is being filled up with synthetic oil.

The taste of the oil

This method might sound absurd but is backed up with scientific facts. Synthetic oil tends to have a fruity or sweet taste. Whereas conventional oil tastes a bit pungent and tangy. Hence, providing the user with a good enough difference to judge what kind of oil is being used in their vehicles. 

To taste the oil the user should not gulp up the oil. They should begin by taking a drop of the oil from the vehicle and letting it sit on the tip of their tongue. The user must be able to taste the oil for a few seconds before it disappears. The user should also not swallow the drop of oil and should be removed by using a tissue or a towel. This method is highly unrecommended as there are better ways of judging the kind of oil being used in a vehicle.

This method is also based on assumptions as it is not lab tested. Hence, letting the user rely on their gut instincts to conclude the nature of the oil being used.

Performance of the oil

Synthetic oil tends to remain for a longer period without getting it filled up again. This is another method to check what kind of oil is being used in the vehicle. The user must check to keep in mind the previous data as to how their car performed while holding synthetic oil. If it is performing less than that it might mean that the car is running on conventional oil or has a major oil leakage. Hene, letting the user judge the nature of oil being used in the vehicle. 

Synthetic oil also flows better at a lower temperature without getting jammed up in the engine. Thus, providing better care for the engine. It is also highly capable of standing at higher temperatures and does not bail out on a user in harsh conditions. This method is also based on instincts and lets the user judge the nature of the oil-based on their gut feeling. Hence, is not backed up as well as a lab-tested analysis. 

Getting the oil lab tested

The last thing that a user can do is get the oil lab tested. This will provide the user with guaranteed results. It will also provide the user with extra information on how pure and new the oil is which is being used by the vehicle. This method might be cost-effective but is based on facts and not on assumptions. Hence, assuring the user of the nature of oil being used in their vehicle.


We have done intensive research and provided users with a complete guide to judge the nature of oil being used in their vehicles. This article will provide the user with a bunch of techniques that they could use to judge the traits of oil being used. Hence, delivering the user with all the necessary information and knowledge on the oil used.

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